
I do apparel alterations and customized pieces.

Also, I’ve been expanding my repertoire to the world of BeDazzling. 💅

I helped
Billboard Pride 🌈 come to life, writing articles, interviewing some awesome queer humans, and feeling terribly out of place at red carpet events.

I worked with an incredible team of writers and designers on ORANGE Magazine 🍊, a Austin-based publication dedicated to amplifying marginalized voices. 📝

I spent a summer in Los Angeles at Apple 🍎  working on Apple Music’s Content and Editorial team connecting over 60 million music junkies worldwide.

I explore visual artwork 🎨 that confronts the self-image and speaks to the inability to truly capture ourselves within any medium. 

Unsurprisingly, everything ends up looking dreadful. 💀

I’ve joined a family of hundreds of queer-identifying folks pursuing ambitious, honest careers through Out For Undergrad. 🏳️‍🌈 Alongside them, I’ve been inspired and equipped to show up for myself and others in the professional world.  

I found this old Nikon CoolPix 995 📸 in some store I’ve since forgotten the name of and turns out the image-capturing system is very oddly broken.

Taking pictures with the contraption has been a lesson in patience, identity, and mortality. 🌀

Here is a photo story I put together for ORANGE Magazine.

I teamed up with The Color Complex, a women-of-color social initiative, to put on The Museum of Color. 🏛

The museum housed a collection of sculpture 🏺, sound 🔊, and otherwise mundane objects 🧴 that each spoke to an individual’s history with colorism, bringing the abstraction to an arresting physical form. 

Check out more about The Color Complex here.

I designed a 3D world by digitally reconstructing laser-cut acrylic jewelry. ⛓💎 

As a collaboration between designer Carlie Roberson and jewelry brand SlyDesigns, the collection needed a visual that was both tactile and artificial, precise and playful.

In New York,
I have explored interests in the fashion industry and videography while maintaining a creative writing practice alongside a community of inspiring young talent who I am lucky to call my friends.

Today, I am thinking about the impacts that playing video games has had on my queer identity.
Was character customization my earliest confrontation with negotiating my gender?

Is this control of altering my own expression at a whim a euphoric experience?

How can we use AR and 3D design to provide a similar, explorative experience in retail and fashion industries?
